A bulk SMS Aggregator is a primary channel partner of Telecom operators or Bulk SMS Gateways. An SMS Aggregator aggregates SMS from operators and distributes ahead in retail or wholesale market. An Aggregator of SMS uses multiple SMS Gateway tie-ups for SMS routing and relays the text messages using various routing methods. SMS Aggregators in India & abroad use SMS Gateway services using SMPP connects with defined throughput or SMS speed. The throughput is termed in TPS (Transactions per second) or TPM (Transactions per minute) in Telecom terminology. Aggregator of SMS in India & worldwide primarily serves SMS vendors who cannot afford the direct tie-up cost with Telecom operators. Purchasing SMS services from such Aggregators gives the SMS Vendors the benefit of lower set-up cost & set-up time. Moreover, with such high level Gateway set-up & high volume of SMS commitments, the Aggregators of Bulk SMS can duly offer such vendors already negotiated SMS services with multi operator services. An SMS Aggregator company can also have retail users as their customers, which will surely give them the most cost effective SMS services with competitive SMS routing through SMS Gateways and better traffic monitoring capabilities. Buddy Infotechis one such SMS Aggregator from India. We aggregate the SMS at our end through multiple resources and distribute it at a technology of over 1000 TPS. We offer White Label Solution for SMS Aggregators and Telecom Operational Support System TeleOSS for SMS Aggregators and Telecom VAS providers.
"Focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI."
Karl Murray